
Canaletto trail
Above the old town of Pirna and below Sonnenstein castle, a romantic path, referred to by locals as "Canaletto trail", winds between old, high trees. It is not known whether the Venetian painter had ever walked there, but the views of the old vineyards at Pirna-Copitz on the opposite river bank or the intertwining roofs of the old town would have surely provided the artist with new inspiration for yet another painting of Pirna.
Estimated walking time: afternoon tour, could be extended to a day tour
Start: TouristService, Canalettohaus
Character: comfortable walk, approx. 1.5 h, not suited for push chairs
Route: At the Canalettohaus turn right into Schlossstraße and walk to the end of the street. Turn right into Obere Burgstraße. Walk along Obere Burgstraße until you see the staircase leading to Sonnenstein, to the left of the Feuerlöschgerätehaus (fire fighting appliances storage). Turn left into Canalettoweg and follow the red "C" on yellow background. When you reach the fork in the road, turn left into the untere (lower) Canalettoweg. Walk until you reach the "Kleine Bastei". Continue along the path as you pass a few houses. Walk down the descending path until you reach the next fork and follow the "C". On the next fork, you will notice a "C" on the right path and no "C" on the left – you have reached the end of the Canaletto trail/Cunnersdorf. Important: turn LEFT and follow the gravel path until you reach the "Eiscafe am Strom" ice cream parlour. Continue straight ahead until you have reached the railway embankment on the Elbe river.
Short tour: Turn left at the embankment and walk along the street, past the water works, until you reach the "Puppenstube" restaurant. Continue straight ahead until you get to a small fountain, then turn into Schiffergässchen. Walk to the end of the lane and turn right into the oldest part of Pirna, called the Schifftorvorstadt. Continue straight ahead until you reach the Bernardo Belotto hotel in Lange Straße. Turn left into Niedere Burgstraße and walk up the street until you have reached the Marienkirche (Church of St Mary). Now turn right into the market square.
Long tour: Along the Canaletto trail you will also find signs for the "Malerweg" (painters' trail). When you reach the railway embankment, walk through underneath the embankment on the right-hand side, then follow the bike lane in the direction of Obervogelgesang/Ausblick Königsnase/Struppen Nauendorf until you have reached Robert Sterl Haus.